Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wacko Slip n' Slide

The kids seemed rather bored this afternoon and needed a little cooling off so Zack went over to Walmart and bought a slip n' slide for them to play on. They all seemed to enjoy themselves and cool down. Matthew got his feet in the water but thought that was rather mean so he spent most the time just hanging out with Mommy. Joshua jumped in and out of a baby pool, he doesn't like water in the face. William would get on his belly and have his daddy slide him down the slip n' slide. Taylor was a natural and Katelyn was a little intimidated about diving down on the ground so she slid on her knees for the most part. Zack played on the slip n slide with the kids but kept sliding right on past it! It was a great way to keep them cooled off for only $9.

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