Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day

Zack and I took the kids over to the Veteran's Day program at Pine View this evening. It was a very moving performance. The students had submitted essays thanking our veterans, which were read in between songs. It certainly made me proud of what others have sacrificed for our freedoms! I would like to thank all those who diligently serve and have served our country for the good of others. This is a great nation! We have been so blessed to live where we can make our own choices and let our voices be heard! I love America! Thank you for all those who have fought for us!!

Veterans Day Facts

The number of military veterans in the United States in 2007 is 23.6 million.

Female Veterans

There are 1.8 million female veterans as of 2007.

16 percent of Gulf War veterans in 2007 who were women.

Race and Hispanic Origin

The number of black veterans as of 2007 is 2.4 million. Additionally, 1.1 million veterans were Hispanic; 278,000 were Asian; 165,000 were American Indian or Alaska Native; 27,000 were Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; and 18.7 million were non-Hispanic white. (The numbers for blacks, Asians, American Indians and Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders, and non-Hispanic whites cover only those reporting a single race.)

When They Served

There are 9.3 million veterans 65 and older in 2007. At the other end of the age spectrum, 1.9 million were younger than 35.

The number of Vietnam-era veterans as of 2007 is 7.9 million. Thirty-three percent of all living veterans served during this time (1964-1975). In addition, 5 million served during the Gulf War (representing service from Aug. 2, 1990, to present); 2.9 million in World War II (1941-1945); 3 million in the Korean War (1950-1953); and 6.1 million in peacetime.

As of 2007, there are 358,000 living veterans who served during both the Vietnam and Gulf War eras. Other living veterans in 2007 who served during two or more wars:
– 315,000 served during both the Korean and Vietnam wars.
– 69,000 served during three periods: World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
– 263,000 served during World War II and the Korean War.

Where They Live

There are five states with 1 million or more veterans in 2007. These states are California (2.1 million), Florida (1.7 million), Texas (1.7 million),New York (1.1 million) and Pennsylvania (1.1 million).


25 percent of veterans 25 and older with at least a bachelors degree in 2007.

90 percent of veterans 25 and older with a high school diploma or higher in 2007.

Income and Poverty

The annual median income of veterans, in 2007 inflation-adjusted dollars, is $36,053.

The percentage of veterans living in poverty, as of 2007, is 5.7 percent. The corresponding rate for non veterans was 12 percent.

On the Job

There is 10.7 million veterans 18 to 64 in the labor force in 2007.

Earnings for women veterans, higher than the $27,272 for women civilians with no military experience is $32,217.

Earnings for male veterans, higher than the $39,880 for non veterans, is $42,128.

Women veterans were more likely to work 35 or more hours per week (84.3 percent vs. 77.6 percent), to work at least 50 weeks per year (73.1 percent vs. 71.6 percent) and to work in public administration (16 percent vs. 4.8 percent) than non veterans.


There are six million veterans with a disability.


The number of veterans who voted in the 2004 presidential election was 17.4 million. Seventy-four percent of veterans cast a ballot, compared with 63 percent of non veterans.

14 million veterans voted in the 2006 congressional election. Sixty-one percent of veterans cast a ballot, compared with 46 percent of non veterans.

Business Owners

14.5 percent of owners of firms responding to the 2002 Survey of Business Owners who were veterans. Veteran business owners comprised an estimated 3 million of the 20.5 million owners represented by survey respondents.

68 percent of veteran owners of respondent firms who were 55 and older. This compares with 31 percent of all owners of respondent firms. Similarly, in 2002, 55 percent of veteran-owned respondent firms with employees reported that their businesses were originally established, purchased or acquired before 1990, compared with 36 percent of all employer respondent firms.

Seven percent of veteran business owners of respondent firms who were disabled as the result of injury incurred or aggravated during active military service.


The number of veterans who received compensation for service-connected disabilities as of 2006 is 2.7 million. Their compensation totaled $28.2 billion.

The total amount of federal government spending for veterans benefits programs in fiscal year 2006 is $72.8 billion. Of this total, $34.6 billion went to compensation and pensions, $33.7 billion for medical programs and the remainder to other programs, such as vocational rehabilitation and education.

This information was collected from the 2008 Census, unless otherwise indicated, and is provided courtesy of the U.S. Census Bureau.

1 comment:

spaceyhawks said...

Wow that is some awesome info. I had no idea. You do the coolest things with your kids! I'm just dying to move down there, I think by the end of next year we will. Josh has to finish his last year of school and we will be done, and I want out of Ogden. ;-)