Well in honor of my husband and sister's wishes here is some photos of me way pregnant!!! I thought I would include the kids to make it a little less frightening and prove that I have already birthed four others so they are partly to blame for my extra roundness!!!
Taylor (5 years), Katelyn (7 years), Joshua (2 years), William (3 years) and me (9 months pregnant)
2 months ago
Yeah! That is such and exciting, and stressful time. I remember just wondering when that baby will ever come, and feeling anxiety about it. Hopefully you are feeling as good as possible. We will be excited to hear when baby arrives. I think you have always got to get a 9 month pregnant picture, just to see how you really looked. Good luck with everything!
You look great! You've got the glow. We're excited for you guys!
Your 2 weeks make my 7 weeks seem forever away!!! So I had a dream you had the baby on the 1st of March and I had mine on thhe 1st of April. Hmmm.. We'll see!
You look great! If it makes you feel any better I'm bigger than that at the end of my pregnancies. Way bigger!
I think you look wonderful!! I wish I looked like that when I was 9 months pregnant.
What a cute preggo momma you are!! You look fantastic!! Good luck with the delivery...can't wait to see the little guy! :)
You look really good. 9 months suits you well. Good luck, we are super excited to see the new little one!
Congratulations on the baby boy. We heard about him arriving while we were at family night. Congrats!
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