This little man is now 18 months and being such is ready for nursery! There is a little problem though, he's scared too death! He clings on mommy and daddy every time we go to the door of the nursery. He cries without even being put on the floor to play in the nursery. The two sisters in the nursery are very nice. He's been babysat more than any of my other children by this age but still refuses going to nursery! We did bring him back in for snack time and let him eat a couple crackers but he was still hanging on me. I hope he gets use to the idea soon but we'll see. It took Taylor a couple months when he was a baby but the others were all for it. Any advice?
2 months ago
let his aunt Jennifer take him to nursery! He will love it!!!!
What about having either katie or taylor take him and you can just be hiding around the corner incase it doesn't work out? Just an idea!
I have no advice, but I can hardly believe he is old enough. I hope for you that he will learn to love it.
I have no advice, but I just wanted to say he's a cutie and I'm so glad I found your blog! One more to stalk!!! Mwuhahaha!!!
Holy Crap... I can't believe he's nursery age already. Where does the time go? In my last ward, I had an amazing nursery leader. If one of the kids were scared to go to nursery, she would come get him and make the parents go to class. The child would cry and have a hard time that day, the whole time. The nursery leader didn't care, but just held him and gave him extra attention. The next week he would cry while mommy and daddy dropped him off, but then he would be fine the rest of the time. Maybe visit with your nursery leaders and see if they would be able to give Matthew a little extra attention.
Oh he is so handsome! My advice - just keep doing what you are doing - one step at a time - he just needs a gradual transition - next time let him go to the story time - then the play time etc. until he sees its OK. Oh his cute little smile! Grandma sure loves him!
I love this picture - Matthew you are a cutie! Love you Grandma A
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