Life has really changed since I received the devastating phone call Friday morning from Kathy, Zack's mom, that Krystal passed away. She just didn't wake up in the morning. Aliyah went to wake her up but couldn't and then woke Ryan up to tell him. He tried but nothing happened. Ryan called 9-1-1 and the rest is history. Our sweet Krystal passed away sometime between Thursday night and Friday morning. She leaves behind her husband Ryan and three sweet little girls - Aliyah 7, Rylee 5 and Lizzie 3. I had to call Zack at the school to let him know. He actually dropped the phone when I told him. Within about 10 minutes of our phone conversation he was home sobbing in my arms. He called his parents and other siblings. Saturday morning we headed up to Boise, Idaho to be with Ryan and his girls. The drive was miserable, it snowed and rained pretty much the whole drive there. We stopped in Filmore for a potty break and a snowball fight. The kids hated being in the car as much as I did. It took us 13 hours to reach Boise at about 10 pm, we stayed in a hotel the first night. That was provided by my parents, we are so grateful for that. The kids were completely restless and got to let lots of energy out before crashing around 1am. Sunday morning we traveled over to my brother Brian's home and ate breakfast and visited for a little bit. We then headed over to meet up with Ryan. He wasn't home but talking with the bishop over at his ward building. We headed over to the church shortly after to meet up with him. He waited at the entrance for us. Zack and I both gave him huge hugs and told him how sorry we were. Lots of tears were shed. After sacrament meeting we headed back to Ryan's for lunch and then over to his cousin's home to see the girls. They all seemed happy to see us. Aliyah is really having a hard time and seems to be a little bit more reserved than the other two. After visiting with the girls and Ryan's family for a bit, we left. Aliyah really struggled with Ryan leaving so he stayed back for a bit longer to comfort her. I couldn't imagine what this little seven year old must be feeling. Ryan later said that Rylee was having nightmares and Lizzie was really clingy to him. My heart breaks for them.
We spent most of Monday waiting over at Brian and Kelsey's home for the coroner to release Krystal's body. They did an autopsy and found that she had an enlarged heart. All signs pointed to the fact that she had completed her mission here on earth and it was her time to return to her maker. She died peacefully in her sleep without any suffering. That is the best you can ask for, a little more time with her would have been nice but the Lord has His reasons. Maybe someday we'll know why but for now it just hurts. I am grateful that we know that families are eternal. One day we will be able to see Krystal again, she'll be waiting for us. Ryan will be able to hold her again and she will be able to hug her girls.
The rest of the week was super busy with taking care of her body, ordering the flowers, funeral arrangements and lots of traveling. Ryan asked Zack to speak at Krystal's funeral, he did her life sketch. A wonderful tribute to Krystal and all she has done here on earth. There ended up being two funeral services one in Twin Falls, Idaho and a second in Salt Lake City, Utah. She was buried in the Holladay cemetery right next to her Grandma Sharon whom she loved and missed very much. The final goodbyes were very hard. We are so sad about the loss of our Krystal. We are very thankful for the understanding that we will be reunited with our family members when we pass from this mortal existence. The hard part is the time we remain on this earth without those who have gone before us. I imagine Krystal is very happy, she is with her family that has passed on before her. I imagine she is looking over her husband and girls. She has fulfilled her time here on the earth. I am grateful for the chance I had to know her. I just wish it would have been so much longer. She will forever hold a special place in our hearts. I cherish her friendship.
2 months ago
Beautiful words, wish they didn't have to be said. So sad.
I am so sorry for the loss. It is so sad, but like you said hopefully she is loving being with those family members that have passed on.
Our prayers are with the entire Egbert/Alvey family.
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